
This prototype was a side project to explore ways real estate investors can connect with each other and grow their portfolios more efficiently. The idea came to mind as I was managing some out of state properties from across the country, in a different time zone. Although I had a community of friends and family in the area, there were times I wished I had a more experienced local investor, equally as passionate about real estate to act as my boots on the ground in certain situations.

I am able to network with investors online using Facebook groups and forums such as Bigger Pockets, but what if there was a more intelligent, streamlined way to connect with like-minded individuals? Less work, more effective and automated. Dating apps are already utilizing similar algorithms, why not in a niche industry like real estate?


By employing value-oriented onboarding, the higher-level benefits of Coraway are highlighted, communicating the key value elements of the app, accompanied by fun colors and imagery.

Choose your Interests

Next, onto the important customization element, here the user has a chance to tell Coraway their particular interests so that it can provide them with the best recommendations.

Invite your friends!

Explore Topics & Activity in your Network

Users can enjoy browsing topics that were automatically generated based on their interests. They can also browse trending topics from others in the real estate community. Users can:

  • Share updates on their real estate journey
  • Create a portfolio to showcase their current and previous real estate investments
  • Follow, like, and share posts on other social media channels

Proactive Networking

Schedule time with potential investment partners, property managers, agents, or other real estate professionals.

Chat and Engage the Community

Whether you're an out of state investor looking to connect with local investors where your investments are located, or an agent looking to make better connections and grow your business, anyone can utilize Coraway to increase personal connections within their real estate community.